Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Plum Jelly

I may have forgotten to mention that I have brilliant grandchildren, and if that is the case, I apologize.

Today Andrew, 11, and Ava, six, came to spend a few days at Mimi and Pop's house while their parents go lollygagging in New Orleans. The really exciting part about that is that they are here for Halloween and I have lots of fun things planned. Things like finding the perfect pumpkins and carving them, swimming at the community aquatic center, trunk or treating, potluck luncheon(okay that's for my work and probably not so fun for them), trick or treating, and going to watch a local rendition of "Thriller" on Halloween eve.

Tonight, however, the kids wanted to play a game before we watched an old Weird Al movie so Brian and I taught them to play Catch Phrase, a take-off on the old Allen Funt game that if I wasn't so old I could remember its name.... You know, it's the one where a you have a teammate and you give them clues to say a word or a phrase without using the word or any of the words in the phrase to describe it. It was boys against the girls and the girls were primed to win. (We are, after all, girls.)

The only problem was that poor Ava got stuck with me. Imagine her exasperation when she gave the perfectly wonderful description: "You cover it in plum jelly" only to have me hem and haw and eventually lose the point. Who knew a six-year-old was so bright as to know that plum jelly covers an eggroll! Absolutely brilliant. Except for the excessive eye-rolling. Not mine - Ava's.

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